Installing iptux On Ubuntu 9.04

iptux is an IP messenger client. It is used for the purpose of chatting when you don't have an internet connection (especially for those who are chat-freaks ;)), provided you are connected to the LAN. You will not find it in Add/Remove or Synaptic Package Manager.

Please follow the steps given below:

1. It requires a package to be downloaded (as I had done, but there may be other ways as well). I downloaded the tar.gz file, and extracted it.

2. Next, cd into the directory. Suppose you have the extracted file on your Desktop, then using the terminal,

varsha@varsha-laptop:~$ cd /home/varsha/Desktop/iptux-0.4.5

3. When you are into the directory, type

varsha@varsha-laptop:~/Desktop/iptux-0.4.5$ ./configure

This should do the work in most cases, but in case you face any trouble, do read the INSTALL file in the current directory you are in.
At times, using sh ./configure works.

I had a problem in configuring, as my gtk libraries were out of date. To fix this, I typed in the terminal,

varsha@varsha-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel build-essential

This would ask for your password. Enter your root password. This is a very long and time-consuming process. But also, be sure to update your system using the package manger aptitude after the completion of the process.

varsha@varsha-laptop:~/Desktop/iptux-0.4.5$ sudo apt-get update

If the glib is successfully installed, you will be able to proceed with the iptux installation. The next step is as follows.

To compile the package,

varsha@varsha-laptop:~/Desktop/iptux-0.4.5$ make

Finally, to install,

varsha@varsha-laptop:~/Desktop/iptux-0.4.5$ make

6. Then, although this step is optional, you can remove the binaries which were used during the installation process but are no longer required.

varsha@varsha-laptop:~/Desktop/iptux-0.4.5$ make clean

Following the above steps will install iptux on your Ubuntu. You can start using the application from Applications-> Internet-> iptux.

In my case, after compilation of the package, the make install command wasn't yielding the much awaited and expected result. But I found iptux in Add/Remove Programs, and installed it from there.


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