New RSS Feed For Twitter

I have taken up a project (in fact my first ever project) under Shreyank Gupta (of Red Hat) as my mentor for making an RSS feed for Twitter.

The following are the plans for the software.

1. It will be made using Ruby on Rails (RoR).

2. It will accept RSS feeds of Twitter in an xml file.

3. It will have a database for storing the tweets, and additional features can be added later.

4. Any tweet can be clicked to get a conversation if available.

5. I plan to complete the software in 2 months, starting from 28th December 2009. The first fifteen days will be utilized for learning RoR.

6. A testing model will be ready within the third week of February. After any required changes, the final working model will be ready by the last week.

I hope I will be able to complete the software as per the above-laid plans.
